The birth of the "Frosty" puppies:
On 3rd february 2012 Zora give birth to 5 big boys and 2 lovely girls.
Zora nd the puppies are fine.
Here you find pictures of the puppies from
week to week
1. week | 2.week | 3. week | 4. week | 5. week | 6. week | 7. week | 8. week | 9. week | 10. week |
The proud parents: |
Ar ctic Bear Di Casa Kaly (hips: A/B, eyes: clear.) |
Arctic Aivik Big Red Zora (hips: A/A, eyes: clear.) |
Zora in the garden |
relax in the waterbed |
the 1st newborn puppy |
just born, male "Orange" |
hello Mummy |
female "Pink" will be born soon |
Grand-grandmother Suka |
Zora and Suka |